Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mo' Money, Mo' Parking

Perhaps you've heard that the federal government will be spending around $500 million to increase parking capacity at GO stations. While this doesn't put any more trains on the tracks or buses on the roads, I'm not really the type of person to thumb my nose at cash we desperately deserve. But, here's my perspective on this announcement:
  • We've known for some time that GO hopes to redevelop its parking lots into transit supportive communities, especially at centrally-located stations like Oakville. Since it appears that much of this money will go towards parking structures, I hope these can serve as the base floors of multi-use buildings, or serve to free up the surface lots for redevelopment.
  • Parking is a necessary evil right now, as very few neighbourhoods have adequate bus service to get people to the GO stations quickly. If you go straight home after the train arrives then you shouldn't have to drive - you should be able to take a bus connection to the corner nearest your house. By improving walking, cycling and transit links to the station, we can free up parking for those who need to make 11 stops on the way home.

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